. UN humanitarian leaders call for the renewal of cross-border aid authorization to northwest Syria - IOPAC Press "Enter" to skip to content

UN humanitarian leaders call for the renewal of cross-border aid authorization to northwest Syria

In less than a month, the Security Council resolution that allows the United Nations and our implementing partners to provide lifesaving humanitarian aid to northwest Syria from across the border with Türkiye will expire.The 15-member Security Council will decide whether to renew it or not. This decision is critical for the lives and wellbeing of 4.1 million people trapped in the non-Government-controlled northwest of Syria bordering Türkiye. Many rely on humanitarian aid to survive, especially people who are displaced. Some 80
per cent of those in need are women and children. Over 3.2 million people are food insecure and need food assistance. Our priority and only goal is to get humanitarian aid to families who need it in the safest, most direct and efficient way, away from political calculations or agendas. Last year alone, critical
aid from the UN and our partners crossed the border into northwest Syria helping and protecting 2.4 million people each month. Over the past year, we were able to send convoys from Government-controlled areas of Syria across internal frontlines into northwest Syria with nutrition, health, food and education supplies for more than 40,000 people. That is welcome progress, and
we continue to increase these deliveries. However, much more is needed. In addition to the important assistance provided via convoys, affected people also need comprehensive access to basic services.We urge the members of the Security Council to renew UN Security Council Resolution 2585, authorizing continued cross-border
assistance for an additional 12 months. We must also secure regular access to northwest Syria from Government-controlled areas. We must increase the number of channels of humanitarian assistance and maximize humanitarian access.Failure to renew the resolution will have dire humanitarian consequences. It will immediately disrupt the UN’s lifesaving aid operation, plunging people in northwest Syria into deeper misery and threatening their access to the food, medical
care, clean water, shelter, and protection from gender-based violence currently offered by UN-backed operations. Over the years, funding for this lifeline operation has been dwindling. Amid other critical crises globally, we call for predictable funding to support the delivery of assistance to northwest Syria.The lives of millions of people depend on it. We are counting on members of the Security Council to enable our vital work to continue. The people of Syria will be counting on them to make the right choice. ——-Signed byCatherine Russell, Executive Director, UNICEFNatalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPAAntónio Vitorino, Director General, IOMDavid Beasley, Executive Director, WFPFilippo Grande, High Commissioner, UNHCRDr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, WHO For further information, please contact:Jens Laerke, OCHA, +41 79 472 97 50, laerke@un.org Malene Jensen, UNICEF, 1 917 470 2019, mjensen@unicef.orgEddie Wright, UNFPA, +1 917 831 2074, ewright@unfpa.orgPaul Dillon, IOM, +41 79 636 98 74, pdillon@iom.int Abeer Etefa, WFP Cairo, +20 106 6634352,  abeer.etefa@wfp.orgShaza Moghraby, WFP New York, + 1 929 289 9867 shada.moghraby@wfp.org In Amman: Rula Amin, UNHCR/Amman, aminr@unhcr.org +962790045849In Geneva: Mathew Saltmarsh, UNHCR Geneva, saltmars@unhcr.org +41799679936Christian Lindmeier, WHO, +41 22 791 2222,