Resolution on “Health emergency in Ukraine”In a vote (with 88 yes, 12 no, 53 abstentions), delegates at the World Health Assembly agreed a resolution on the “Health emergency in Ukraine and refugee receiving and hosting countries, stemming from the Russian Federation’s aggression.” Among other issues, the resolution brings attention to the direct and indirect health impacts in Ukraine, in the region and beyond; condemns attacks on health care, as documented by WHO’s Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care; and urges the Russian Federation to immediately cease any attacks on hospitals and other healthcare facilities. ResolutionSurveillance System for Attacks on Health Care Extension of the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme The Director-General renewed the mandate of the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee (IOAC) for the World Health Organization for two years. The Committee was created in 2016 to provide oversight and monitoring of the development and performance of the WHO Emergencies Programme, and to guide the Programme’s activities. It reports annually to the Health Assembly.Delegates encouraged the Secretariat to adopt the recommendations in this year’s report.The Director-General thanked the co-chairs and members for their work over the past years, and welcomed Professor Walid Ammar, Director of the Doctorate and Research in Public Health Program at St. Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon, as the new Chair.The IOAC reportMore on IOAC
Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly – Daily update: 26 May 2022
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